
Passive Aggressive Behaviour

Passive aggressive behaviour is a pattern of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them. There is a disconnect between what a person who exhibits passive aggressive behaviour says and what they do.

For example, someone who engages in passive aggressive behaviour might appear to agree - perhaps even enthusiastically - With another person’s request. Rather than complying with the request, however, they may express anger or resentment by failing to follow through or missing deadlines.


  • Denies anger while enacting it indirectly
  • Hints instead of stating need or compliant directly
  • Sulks, sighs, and pouts
  • Has a sullen attitude
  • fails to follow through or use it intentional inefficiency
  • complaints about feeding wronged or under appreciated
  • Score keeps silently
  • Gives backhanded compliments
  • Acts out aggression physically
  • Uses the silent treatment
  • Insist the conflict is resolved without letting it go
  • Feels that they are doing everybody else a favour
  • Resent those who want to have a direct conversation
  • Sabotages others
  • Insists that others are simply misunderstanding them
  • Distances from the person without saying why
  • Talks to uninvolved parties at what's wrong
  • Creates an eggshell environment and situation