
Personality Disorders

Personality a way of thinking, feeling, and behaving that makes a person different from other people. An individual’s personality is influenced by experiences, environment, and inherited characteristics. A person’s personality typically stays the same overtime.

A personality disorder is a way of thinking, feeling, and behaving that deviate from the expectations of the culture, causes distress all problems functioning and lasts over time.

There are ten specific types of personality disorders. Personality disorders are long term patterns of behaviour and inner experiences that differ significantly from what is expected. The pattern of experience and behaviour begins by late adolescence or early adult hood and causes distress or problems in functioning. 

Without treatment, personality disorders can be long lasting & can affect at least of two of the following areas:

  • Ways of thinking about oneself and others
  • Ways of responding emotionally
  • Ways of relating to other people
  • Ways of controlling one’s behaviour

Ten specific types of personality disorders:

  • Anti-social personality disorder 
  • Avoidant personality disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Dependent personality disorder
  • Historic personality disorder
  • Narcissistic personality disorder 
  • Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (not OCD)
  • Paranoid personality disorder
  • Schizoid personality disorder
  • Schizotypal personality disorder