
What's worrying you?

Are you looking for help? Select from the areas below or browse the full list to learn more about each topic and the various avenues for support.


It is also sometimes known as a termination of pregnancy. The pregnancy is ended either by taking medicines or having a surgical procedure.Abortions can only be carried out under the care of an NHS ho...


Physical abuse is intentional bodily injury. Some examples include slapping, pinching, choking, kicking, shoving, or inappropriately using drugs or physical restraints. Sexual abuse is non-consen...


An addiction is a chronic dysfunction of the brain system that involves reward, motivation, and memory. It is about the way your body craves a substance or behaviour, essentially if it causes a compul...

Affairs and betrayals

If someone close to you has ever broken your trust, you probably felt the sting of betrayal. This pain can leave deep wounds.Any type of betrayal can cause emotional distress, but you might experience...

Anger Management

Anger Management refers to a process. It can help people identify stressors. People can learn steps to help them stay calm in anger management. They may then handle tense situations in a constructive...


Anxiety is a normal emotion, it’s our brain’s way of reacting to stress and alerting us when we are in danger. However, when regular, and excessive anxiety and fear overwhelm us to the point where it...

Asperger’s Syndrome

Many people who fit the profile for Asperger syndrome are now being diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder instead. Each person is different, and it is up to each individual how they choose to...

Attachment Disorder

Attachment disorders are conditions that can develop in young children who have issues establishing a deep emotional connection—known as the attachment bond—with their parent or primary caregiver.&nbs...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a childhood-onset neurodevelopmental disorder that interferes with functioning through a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impul...

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a lifelong developmental disorder which affects an individual’s ability to socialize and communicate, have restrictive interests and repetitive behaviours. These can affect...


Hearing the news of a sudden bereavement can be a traumatic and devastating event in itself and can affect people in different ways. There can be a sense that time is standing still, or that your worl...

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a group of brain disorders that can cause extreme fluctuation in a person’s mood, energy and ability to function. A person with bipolar disorder may experience periods of grea...

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a personality disorder that is characterised by a pattern of emotional instability and unstable relationships with other people.It affects a person’s thoughts,...


All bullying is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. It can affect anyone, and all people are all potential targets – either as an adult, child, at work, at school, within the community, at home,...


Many people will be affected by cancer in their life. Cancer Research UK estimates that one in two people in the UK born after 1960 will be diagnosed with some form of cancer during their lifetime.And...